There are many similarities between gardening and growing your private practice. Really, you think? Not quite sure where I am going with this…
When you buy a house maybe the garden needs some work. Maybe you already have a garden but it needs redesigning or is overgrown and needs some TLC. What do you do in this situation?
Designing the layout and budgeting
Where does the hedge go? Should we have a vegetable patch? Would this clematis grow here? Questions like this are the same sort of questions we should all be asking regularly in our own businesses AKA medical private practice. This isn’t a one off process but should be reviewed regularly. We often steal ideas from other gardeners (do you visit NGS gardens and go home with plans?). Maybe you should do this in your medical practice. Peer review is helpful and goes a long way to a successful business.
Planting and Building
Putting those plans into action and getting your hands dirty…..well this is probably analogous to the part of your business that you are already skilled at, ie seeing patients in clinic and maybe operating – ie delivering the product. This is usually the part that you enjoy most.
This takes the time and commitment – cutting the grass, trimming the hedge, jet washing the patio. In business this is similar to staff appraisals and reviewing the marketplace and your relevance in it. They are all very easy to delay because something else is more important – but if we don’t keep on top of these jobs, it can become costly.
Planting Seeds
If you don’t stand back every so often and plant some seeds, you will have the same garden you had last year. What are you planting today for your business so it has fruit and flowers in years to come?
Ensure you stay relevant and connected to your patients to help with growing your private practice.
Email [email protected] if you would like help with growing your practice and we can point you in the right direction of experts who can help.