It is common for us to be asked a raft of questions from consultants interested in setting up a medical partnership with their colleagues. Some of the typical questions include “Why should I set up a medical partnership with my colleagues? What will I do with it? How do I set it up? Can you guarantee me work? Can I do NHS work through the medical partnership? Do I have to get on with my colleagues? How much will I get paid? How do I get work?”
Trust Health has been setting up and successfully commissioning work for medical partnerships for over 12 years and we have worked with more than 500 consultants during this time. We know the pitfalls, what you should avoid, what works, how much typical earnings are, and importantly we know how to set up your medical partnership in a way that is specific to medical consultants. We are the UK’s leading company in providing setup and business support services to medical partnerships.
It is relatively straightforward to form a partnership with Companies House and buy an off the shelf Members Agreement – however this is not specific enough for the type of work you will be undertaking and the structure of your business, and you are leaving yourself open to disagreements further down the line. At Trust Health we have a bespoke Members Agreement designed specifically for medical consultant partnerships that covers all eventualities that you may, as consultants, encounter. In addition we are specialised at commissioning work on your behalf, and we know what works and what doesn’t.
We are increasingly working with more newly appointed consultants as they see partnerships as a way of protecting their interests and working in partnership with their colleagues in the ever changing healthcare environment.
If you would like more information about forming a partnership, or the types of work that you can undertake, then please email us [email protected] or give us a call on 01403 241484.